• Augmented Horizon
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  • Our SCI-FI Dreams Become Real, The Future of AR & Dangerous Speech Generators - Must Read!

Our SCI-FI Dreams Become Real, The Future of AR & Dangerous Speech Generators - Must Read!

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

TL: DR - I sort through the best new tech news, so you do not have to!

An AI Day At The Beach?

AI Image from Leonardo.ai user Alex_Tct

I took a week's vacation, which in tech today is like a year, so there's much to cover. There are so many new AI apps to demo this week, as you’ll see in Matt Wolfe's excellent video. The innovations are endless, from Stanford's AI-driven VR headset breakthrough to OpenAI's reasoning AI advancements and quantum computing records being shattered. AR is evolving beyond Apple's Vision Pro, while AI is boosting and stifling creativity. Meanwhile, AI's impact on TV shows, smart glasses advancements, and autonomous vehicles are all making headlines. Dive in for a tech-filled update!

In This Newsletter:

  • Stanford's VR Revolution: Discover how AI is making clunky VR headsets a thing of the past.

  • OpenAI's Reasoning AI: Explore OpenAI's latest breakthrough in AI reasoning capabilities.

  • Quantum Computing Leap: Meet the new quantum computer that outperforms Google's supremacy record.

  • AI and Creativity: Find out how AI boosts individual creativity but may stifle it collectively.

  • Dangerous AI Speech Generator: Learn why scientists say this human-parity AI speech generator is too risky to release.

  • Future of AR: Get a glimpse of the future of augmented reality beyond Apple's Vision Pro.

  • AI and TV: Is your favorite TV show at risk? Discover how AI could disrupt the entertainment industry.

  • Solos AirGo Vision: Check out the smart glasses that aim to keep you super-connected.

  • Autonomous Cars: A new video explores the game-changing potential of autonomous vehicles.


What Came First, The Sci-Fi Story or the Tech We Have Today!

Remember when sci-fi was all about fantastical gadgets and robots? Fast forward to today, and it seems those childhood dreams are morphing into reality. From touch screens and mobile phones to advanced cyborg technology, we live in an age where yesterday's fiction is today's fact. Scientists are now integrating human brain cells with computer chips, enabling devices to understand and think like us. This breakthrough hints at a future with more intuitive AI, blurring the lines between human cognition and machine intelligence.

The concept of hybrid brain organoid computing is like a plot twist from a futuristic thriller. Tiny brain blobs performing complex tasks could soon power our computers, creating a synergy between biology and silicon. This development mirrors Borg's idea of enhanced learning capabilities, which takes us a step closer to computers with human-like intelligence.

And if that wasn't enough, researchers have created a robot with living skin. Imagine a robot that feels just like a human – creepy, yet fascinating. This innovation adds a human touch to robots and opens doors to more lifelike androids. As we stand on the precipice of an era where organic tissue meets computing, we can't help but wonder – are we building the cyborgs of our childhood fantasies? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure: the future is here, and it’s straight out of our wildest sci-fi dreams.

Read More About our Future Cyborg Overlords…


Stanford's VR Revolution: AI-Powered Headsets Incoming

Stanford's latest breakthrough in VR technology, driven by AI, could spell the end for those bulky, uncomfortable headsets. Say hello to sleek, lightweight VR experiences!

OpenAI's Near Breakthrough in AI Reasoning

OpenAI is reportedly on the verge of a significant breakthrough in AI reasoning, revealing a new progress framework that could change how machines think and learn.

Quantum Computing: Breaking New Records

A new quantum computer has smashed Google's quantum supremacy record, taking computational power to new heights and opening doors to unimaginable possibilities.

AI Boosts Creativity (But Not for Teams)

A new experiment reveals that while AI can boost individual creativity, it may actually lower it when people work together. Is AI our creative friend or foe?

AI Speech Generator Too Dangerous to Release

Scientists have developed an AI speech generator that reaches human parity, but it's so convincing that it's deemed too dangerous to release to the public. What could possibly go wrong?

The Future of AR: Beyond Apple's Vision Pro

AR technology is brewing a future that goes beyond the capabilities of Apple's Vision Pro. From immersive experiences to practical applications, here's what's coming next.

AI's Threat to TV Shows

AI is already disrupting the TV industry, and your favorite shows might be next on the chopping block. Is AI set to ruin your evening binge-watching sessions?

Solos AirGo Vision: The Smart Glasses You Need

Solos' new AirGo Vision smart glasses are here to keep you connected in style, offering a seamless blend of technology and fashion.


AI News Roundup: Odyssey, Live Portrait, and More!

Matt Wolfe dives into the latest AI developments, starting with Odyssey, a Hollywood-grade AI video tool showcasing stunning visuals. Next, he explores Live Portrait, an AI that animates images using driving videos, available for free on GitHub. Wolfe also covers PaintsUndo, which reverse-engineers drawings to show how they were created. Additionally, he discusses updates from Stability AI, OpenAI's China access block, and new features from Anthropic and Meta. Finally, he highlights Samsung's AI-infused product launches and Google's Gemini-powered robot guide.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Key Events Summer 2024

  • VRTO - Toronto, Canada - June 2024

  • SIGGRAPH - Vancouver, Canada - August 11-15, 2024

  • F8 Refresh - Online - June 2024

  • E3 - Los Angeles, USA - June 11-13, 2024

  • VivaTech - Paris, France - June 12-15, 2024

  • EuroHaptics - Nottingham, UK - June 10-13, 2024

  • Metaverse Expo - Seoul, Korea - June 26-28, 2024

  • Venice Film Festival - Venice, Italy - August 28-September 7, 2024

  • AI & Big Data Expo World Series - Santa Clara, USA - June 5-6, 2024

  • TechConnect World - Washington, DC, USA - June 17-19, 2024

  • Auto.AI - San Francisco, USA - June 26-28, 2024

  • AI4 2024 - Las Vegas, USA - August 12-14, 2024

  • AI & Big Data Expo 2024 - Santa Clara, USA - June 5-6, 2024

  • HCI International 2024 - Washington, DC, USA - June 29-July 4, 2024

Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

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Portions of this email were assisted by artificial intelligence.