Daily: Machine-Gun Robot Dogs: Sci-Fi or Reality?

The Augmented Horizon Digest
Daily Edition

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in robotics, mixed reality, and neural implants are about to transform humanity as we know it. Join me on a journey to uncover the augmented horizon.

TL: DR - I sort through the best new tech news, so you do not have to!

In This Newsletter:

  • The Golden Age of Robotics: Meet the companies shaping our robotic future.

  • Attack of the Killer Robot Dogs: The Chinese military's terrifying new machine-gun robots.

  • AI Agents: Friends, Foes, or Something Else?: OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini blur the lines between reality and sci-fi.

  • 3D Electronic Skin: The Future of Human-Machine Interaction: Discover how electronic skin could change our world.

  • Robo-Taxis: The Future of Transportation?: Are we ready for a commute driven by robots?

  • Kill AI Search for Good: Google's UDM14 trick lets you reclaim your search results.

  • Mixed Reality Apps: More Than Just Gimmicks: Discover useful mixed reality apps enhancing our daily lives.


Is This the Golden Age of Robotics?

Robotics companies are popping up like mushrooms after the rain. From nimble drones to human-like androids, these tech titans are reshaping the future. Dive into the top robotics companies leading this robotic revolution and see who's bringing your sci-fi dreams to life.

Attack of the Killer Robot Dogs!

In a move straight out of a dystopian movie, the Chinese military has unveiled robot dogs armed with machine guns. Yes, you read that right. These mechanical mutts are set to revolutionize warfare – or possibly make you rethink that dog walk in the park.

AI Agents: Friends, Foes, or Something Else?

OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini are more advanced than ever, blurring the lines between reality and science fiction. Are these AI agents our helpful assistants, or are they plotting to take over the world? The answer might surprise you.

3D Electronic Skin: The Future of Human-Machine Interaction

Scientists have developed 3D electronic skin that can revolutionize how humans interact with machines. This futuristic tech mimics human touch, offering a glimpse into a world where humans and robots could seamlessly communicate through "touch."

Robo-Taxis: The Future of Transportation?

Robo-taxis are set to change the way we think about commuting. These autonomous vehicles promise to make transportation safer, more efficient, and more accessible. But are we ready to hand over the wheel to a robot?

Kill AI Search for Good with Google's UDM14 Trick

Tired of AI meddling with your search results? Google’s UDM14 trick lets you banish AI from your search experience for good. Discover how you can reclaim your online searches and find exactly what you’re looking for – no AI required.


These Mixed Reality Apps Are ACTUALLY Useful!

In this video, we dive into the world of mixed reality, exploring apps that go beyond the gimmick to offer genuine utility. From practical applications in education and healthcare to tools enhancing everyday productivity, these apps showcase the true potential of mixed reality technology. Get ready to discover how these innovations are making a real difference in our daily lives. From the DiscoVR channel.


  • Founded: November 6, 1992

  • Headquarters: Waltham, Massachusetts, United States

  • Founder: Marc Raibert (as a spin-off from MIT)

  • Current Owner: Hyundai Motor Group (acquired in 2020)

The Early Years and Groundbreaking Research

Boston Dynamics began as an outgrowth of the Leg Laboratory at MIT, where Marc Raibert and his team conducted groundbreaking research on dynamic robots. The Leg Lab was known for creating a series of laboratory robots, including the 3D1 Leg Hopper and a two-legged robot capable of performing impressive feats like hopping, running, and backflips. These projects laid the scientific foundation for the highly dynamic robots developed later at Boston Dynamics.

Pushing the Boundaries of Robotics

Over the years, Boston Dynamics has continued to push the boundaries of what robots can achieve. Their bipedal robot, Atlas, has become a symbol of their cutting-edge technology, showcasing incredible balance, agility, and strength. Videos of Atlas performing parkour-inspired movements, lifting heavy objects, and even dancing have gone viral, captivating audiences worldwide.

Another groundbreaking creation is Spot, the company's quadruped robot, which became the first commercially available product from Boston Dynamics in 2019. Spot's ability to navigate challenging environments and carry out various tasks has made it a valuable tool in industries like construction, energy, and public safety.

The Future of Robotics

Under the ownership of Hyundai Motor Group since 2020, Boston Dynamics is now focused on commercializing its technology and exploring new applications in areas such as logistics, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles. The company's founder, Marc Raibert, has established the Boston Dynamics AI Institute to further advance the field of robotics, with a vision of teaching robots to understand and perform tasks by observing humans.

With its pioneering spirit and commitment to pushing the boundaries of what robots can do, Boston Dynamics continues to shape the future of robotics, inspiring awe and wonder with each new creation. This revised biography accurately reflects the history and contributions of Boston Dynamics, ensuring that the early research conducted at MIT's Leg Lab is correctly attributed.

Key Highlights & Releases

  • BigDog (2004)

    • Developed for the U.S. military with DARPA funding.

    • Quadruped robot designed to carry heavy loads (up to 400 pounds).

    • Known for its ability to navigate rough terrain but was ultimately deemed too loud for combat environments.

  • RHex (2007)

    • Six-legged robot designed for mobility on rough terrain.

    • Known for its robustness and ability to traverse difficult environments.

  • LS3 (Legged Squad Support System) (2010)

    • An advanced version of BigDog, designed for military use.

    • Capable of carrying heavy loads and operating in various harsh conditions

  • WildCat (2011)

    • Quadruped robot built for speed.

    • Known as the fastest quadruped robot on Earth.

  • SandFlea (2012)

    • Small, 11-pound robot capable of jumping high into the air.

    • Designed for reconnaissance and exploration.

  • Atlas (2013)

    • Bipedal humanoid robot.

    • Known for its agility, balance, and ability to perform complex tasks like parkour and heavy lifting

  • Spot (2015, Commercially Available in 2019)

    • Quadruped robot designed for various applications, including industrial inspection, public safety, and more.

    • First commercially available robot from Boston Dynamics.

  • Handle (2017)

    • Wheeled robot designed for material handling.

    • Led to the development of Stretch, a robot for warehouse and distribution center operations

  • Stretch (2022)

    • Designed for use in warehouses and distribution centers.

    • Capable of unloading trailers and containers, automating warehousing operations.

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