Brain Hacking? The Privacy Nightmare of Mind-Connected Tech

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

TL: DR - I sort through the best new tech news, so you do not have to!

Are You Sure This is What Autopilot is For?

Toonces Watch Out!

This week, we’ve got billionaires sipping margaritas while AI takes your job, soldiers suiting up like Iron Man, and holograms straight out of The Jetsons coming to life! But if that’s not wild enough, we’re diving deep into the future of privacy when your brain is hooked up to the internet. Yep, we’re living in the future, and it’s as cool (and creepy) as it sounds.

Also, if you think AR glasses are just for tech geeks, think again! Apple and Meta are in an epic showdown for your face. Meanwhile, schools are ditching teachers in favor of AI, and OpenAI might just ditch the whole "nonprofit" idea for a profit-fueled future. It’s a tech rollercoaster—hold on tight!TL;DR


  • Worth Thinking: Brain implants may offer sci-fi coolness, but at what cost? Get ready for the wild west of thought privacy.

  • Worth Reading: A billionaire drinks while AI takes your job, exoskeletons are making soldiers superhuman, Meta's AR glasses might dethrone smartphones, Apple rethinks AR, Proto’s holograms bring sci-fi to life, and OpenAI is trading altruism for cold hard cash.

  • Worth Watching: A school without teachers (thanks to AI) and our deep dive into Meta’s AR glasses—party trick or game-changer?


Brainwave Privacy: What Happens When Your Mind Logs On?

It’s one thing when your phone knows too much, but what happens when it’s your brain connected to the internet? With companies like Neuralink and Meta diving headfirst into neurotechnology, the idea of direct brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) isn’t just a sci-fi fantasy anymore—it's on the horizon. But when your thoughts can be read, stored, and even potentially hacked, privacy as we know it could be redefined. Who owns your brain data, and more importantly, who’s profiting from it?

Privacy experts are already sounding the alarm. Neurological data could become the next gold mine, offering companies intimate insights into your desires, behaviors, and even medical conditions. But unlike a credit card number, you can’t just change your mind (literally) if it gets leaked. From Elon Musk’s Neuralink, where critics have raised red flags about transparency and ethics, to Meta’s new brainwave-reading gadgets, tech is moving faster than laws can catch up. And with these devices, the line between mind and machine is blurrier than ever.

The real question is: once we open this door, can we close it again? Imagine a world where your brain can be influenced by advertisers, corporations, or worse, governments. We’re not just talking about reading your thoughts—we’re talking about the potential to alter them. It’s the ultimate privacy battleground, and the stakes have never been higher.



Billionaire Sips Margaritas While Bragging About AI Killing Your Job
Why work hard when AI can work harder—for less? One billionaire sure isn’t sweating it, kicking back with a margarita while AI “does the dirty work” and the rest of us brace for the robot takeover. Maybe there’s a job in mixing his next drink?

Exoskeletons Take a Stroll into the Military—More Iron Man Than Ever!
Forget about running; the military's strapping on exoskeletons for an Iron Man makeover! From carrying heavy loads to supersoldier feats, these wearable robots are changing the battlefield. Captain America, who?

Meta's AR Glasses: The Future of Smartphones, or Just Really Fancy Shades?
Meta's new AR glasses are here to make smartphones jealous. Promising to replace your phone, these sci-fi specs might finally make you feel like Tony Stark—if you can avoid tripping over your feet while texting.

Apple vs Meta: AR Glasses Battle Royale—Who’s Got the Vision?
AR glasses are the new battleground, and Apple and Meta are the gladiators. Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta’s Orion go head-to-head, with both companies betting big that you’ll swap your phone for face gear. The question is, can they make you look cool doing it?

Hologram Boxes: The Jetsons Had It Right! Proto’s 3D Tech is Bringing Sci-Fi to Life
Remember when holograms were just a thing from cartoons? Well, Proto’s here to bring that into your living room! With 3D hologram boxes, you can beam yourself into meetings like a futuristic star—just don’t let your cat knock it over.

OpenAI’s Shift to For-Profit: Altman’s Equity Grab—Is This the End of Open-Source Dreams?
OpenAI is trading nonprofit vibes for a for-profit fortune, and Sam Altman is cashing in. With AI gold in sight, Altman’s grabbing equity, but is the open-source dream slipping through our fingers?WORTH A WATCH


No Teachers, No Homework: Welcome to the AI School of the Future
In a world where AI teaches students, school just became every kid’s dream. No teachers, no homework, just learning from your own personalized AI tutor. But is this the future of education, or a tech dystopia in the making?

We Tried Meta's AR Glasses: Zuckerberg’s Latest Party Trick or a Game-Changer?
What happens when you wear Meta’s latest AR glasses? A lot of wowing and a bit of squinting. Watch as we dive into this tech with none other than Mark Zuckerberg, who’s confident these glasses will replace your phone—maybe even your reality.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Coming Soon, Q4 Events! Alright, I did not create the list for this week. Sorry! Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

Are there any issues or corrections? Just let us know.
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