• Augmented Horizon
  • Posts
  • Alexa with Arms and Legs—And Apple’s Next Move to Outsmart Meta!

Alexa with Arms and Legs—And Apple’s Next Move to Outsmart Meta!

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

Do you Want to Go Where Everyone Knows Your Name?

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This week, we’re diving into a future that feels straight out of a sci-fi movie! We’ve got Meta’s ultra-lightweight VR headset that’s as mysterious as it is sleek, and AI that’s being trained to give financial advice—despite being a bit “sociopathic.” But it doesn’t stop there. From wearable tech that tackles both pain and depression to VR that’s transforming everything from fitness to education, this newsletter is packed with innovations that are pushing the boundaries of reality and trust.


  • Editorial: The race for robot butlers is heating up, with big names like Apple and Tesla leading the charge—are you ready for "Alexa with arms and legs"?

  • Worth Reading: Meta’s feather-light Puffin headset raises eyebrows, AI might become your next financial advisor, and VR’s impact on mental and physical health is growing. Plus, smart glasses could outshine the Apple Vision Pro, and VR is finding new life in fitness and education.

  • Worth Watching: More from the “This Robot is Going to Take Your Job” conference in China last week.

  • Jobs: Looking, Hiring? We’re building a new job board just for the industry.

EDITORIAL: Rise of the Robo-Butlers: Are We Ready for a World of "Alexa with Arms and Legs"?

The age of home robots is upon us, and it’s no longer just a question of when but who will bring it to your doorstep first. With tech giants like Apple and Tesla throwing their hats into the ring alongside ambitious startups like X1, the race to develop the ultimate household humanoid robot is heating up. These aren’t your typical Roombas; we’re talking about full-blown “Alexa with arms and legs” ready to do your chores and maybe even take over your life (just kidding... we hope).

In recent years, we’ve seen many attempts to introduce robots into our homes, from desktop companions to “Alexa with wheels.” Yet, these early iterations haven’t exactly set the world on fire—often criticized for being too limited, too clunky, or just plain unnecessary. But the new wave of humanoid robots, slated to debut in 2025, promises functionality and creepiness that could either revolutionize our daily lives or send us running for the hills. Companies are betting we’ll embrace these robotic helpers, but will we? The thought of a humanoid robot folding your laundry or making breakfast is tantalizing but undeniably eerie.

Questions remain as the market for these high-tech assistants gets ready to explode. Are we genuinely prepared for a future where our home assistants have a face, limbs, and perhaps too much autonomy? The race is on, but whether we’re ready to cross the finish line is another matter.

Read More on How Your Job Might Be At Stake!


  • VR and AR: Struggling to Snap Back to Reality?
    After diving into virtual and augmented reality, users may find it tough to reconnect with the real world. New research reveals that these technologies can temporarily alter your perception, making everyday life feel off-kilter as your brain readjusts. It’s a reminder that the digital world might stick with you longer than expected.

  • Can AI Be Trained to Be a Trustworthy But Sociopathic Financial Advisor?
    MIT researchers are investigating the tricky ethics of AI, labeling it as "inherently sociopathic" but with the potential to be trained for good. The focus is on making AI reliable enough to give ethical financial advice. To truly succeed, AI needs to grasp human emotions to build trust with users—a challenge that could redefine how we interact with our digital advisors.

  • Meta’s Puffin Headset: Ultra-Lightweight, Ultra-Mysterious!
    Meta's rumored "Puffin" headset is making waves with its ultra-lightweight design that could redefine comfort in VR. But the real question is: what else is Meta hiding under that feather-light hood? Prepare to be puffed away by the future of VR!

  • VR Fitness: Les Mills Gets Even Sweatier with $100 DLC
    The VR fitness craze just turned up a notch! Les Mills XR Bodycombat is getting a $100 DLC packed with new moves, fresh environments, and more ways to make you regret last night's pizza binge. Time to sweat in style!

  • Wearable Tech: Now Treating Your Pain and Your Blues
    This new wearable device isn’t just about tracking steps—it's here to zap your pain and depression away! Merging health tech with mental wellness could be the gadget you didn’t know you desperately needed.

  • Virtual Reality: The New Prescription for Physical Therapy
    Physical therapy is getting a tech upgrade, with VR now playing a role in pain relief and coordination exercises. It’s not just for gamers anymore—now you can rehab like a pro athlete, all from the comfort of your living room.

  • VR in Education: Don't Let It Collect Dust!
    VR's impact on education is massive—if only we’d stop forgetting it exists. Universities are urged to remember that VR isn’t just for gamers; it could be the key to unlocking the next level of student engagement. It's time to dust off those headsets!

  • Smart Glasses: The Real Deal Over Apple's Vision Pro?
    Forget the Apple Vision Pro—ambient computing smart glasses are the next big thing, according to Gene Munster. These glasses are all set to outshine their flashier cousin by making everyday tasks smarter and more seamless. Get ready for the next wave of wearable tech!


Meet the AI-Powered Humanoid Robots Ready to Take Over Your Job—2024 World Robot Conference Reveals the Future!

AI-powered humanoid robots took center stage at the 2024 World Robot Conference in Beijing, showcasing groundbreaking advancements. These robots, like the Unry G1 and others, are designed for human-like interaction, industrial efficiency, and complex tasks, from assembly lines to medical assistance. The event underscored China's growing dominance in robotics, with ambitious plans to scale production and further integrate AI into everyday tasks. The future of humanoid robots working alongside humans is not just imminent—it's already here. Thank you to AI Revolution for another great video.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Coming Soon, Q4 Events! Alright, I did not create the list for this week. Sorry! Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

Yes! - I am behind on this one!

Are there any issues or corrections? Just let us know.
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