AI’s Coming for Your Job...But Will It Really?

Why Adapting to AI Could Be the Best Career Move You Make

The Augmented Horizon

The newsletter for the next industrial revolution. Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

“You’re Performance This Quarter Does Not Compute, Does Not Compute”

Buckle up because the robots are here, making your coffee, delivering your packages, and even diagnosing your health issues. In this edition, we're diving deep into the world of AI and robotics—how they're reshaping jobs and everyday life. Are you worried AI will take your job? Don't sweat it—unless you're wearing one of those new health-monitoring sweat sensors. Also, we’ve got robots powered by mushrooms and ones running coffee drive-thrus—talk about a diverse résumé! Let's dive into the future (and figure out how not to get replaced).


  • Our Take: Will AI take all of our jobs? Don’t panic—history shows we can adapt, survive, and thrive if we play our cards right.

  • Must Read: Robots sniff out dangers, make flawless pancakes, pack your Amazon boxes, and even take over the drive-thru. Google’s AI sniffs out diseases via sound, and health tech now reads your sweat. Also, mushroom-powered biohybrid robots—because why not?

  • Worth Watching: AI is coming for white-collar jobs—this video breaks down why your college degree might not be enough anymore. Time to rethink career paths, folks!

Will AI Take ALL of Our Jobs? Predictions vs. Reality—It’s More Positive If You Know How to Handle Change

It’s no secret that AI has everyone wondering if robots will leave us all jobless. The fear is real, from Amazon's robots taking over warehouses to AI diagnosing diseases from your voice. Some experts, like those at MIT, are trying to calm things down by pointing out that these dire predictions may be overblown. Sure, Goldman Sachs predicts 300 million jobs will be lost, but look at the past: technological revolutions always shake things up before creating new opportunities.

Made with Napkin AI

Yes, jobs will change. Google's AI, which listens to your voice for medical issues or robot baristas already making lattes in Massachusetts, may cause panic, but let’s not forget that these advances also open doors. Remember when machines threatened factory jobs? That shift led to entirely new industries—the same is true today. Even robots powered by mushrooms (yes, really) at Cornell are part of the new wave, where biohybrid technologies offer roles we hadn’t even imagined before.

The truth is that those who embrace these changes will thrive. It's all about adaptability—learning to work alongside our digital counterparts. Instead of fearing the rise of AI, the smart move is to upskill and reskill and figure out where you fit in this new world of machine colleagues. AI isn’t here to take all our jobs, just the ones we're ready to give up.

We’ll return to this topic in future newsletters, but check out this week’s video below to watch for even more on the subject right now.



Meet the Robot That Sniffs Out Chemical Nightmares Before You Even Smell the Coffee
The military’s latest robotic buddy isn’t just good at carrying gear—it’s protecting soldiers from invisible chemical and biological dangers. Think of it as a high-tech bloodhound with a gas mask and a license to detect things you hope you'll never breathe.

Kitchen Takeover: Robots Are Poised to Become Your Next Chef, And They Don’t Care About Michelin Stars
Forget gourmet chefs. Your next meal could be cooked by a robot who has no idea what a truffle is but can churn out flawless pancakes like clockwork. Is this the future of culinary arts or just the end of poorly cooked eggs?

The Robot Invasion is Here—And They Want to Deliver Your Packages (Even If It Takes 200 Tries)
Robots are getting smarter (and maybe clumsier?) as Amazon invests in AI to pick, pack, and ship. With robots now running your delivery game, the real question is: how many times will it drop your package before it gets it right?

Amazon’s Deal With Covariant: Because Who Needs Humans in Warehouses Anymore?
Amazon's new partnership with Covariant means robots may soon be the only employees not unionizing in warehouses. They’re faster, stronger, and come without the need for bathroom breaks. The rise of the robots is real, folks.

Robot Coffee Drive-Thru: Your Next Barista Is a Caffeine-Powered Terminator
Why wait for a human to mess up your double-shot, half-caf, oat milk latte when a robot can have it ready as soon as you hit the drive-thru? This Massachusetts coffee shop's robot barista won’t complain about tips either.

Google’s AI Learns to Sniff Out Diseases—Through Sound
Google’s AI isn’t just listening to your voice—it’s diagnosing diseases from your audio. Next time you cough, don't be surprised if your phone texts you that it’s time to see a doctor. Forget WebMD, this is the future of hypochondria.

Cornell’s Biohybrid Robot Powered by Mushrooms: Because AI Wasn’t Weird Enough Already
Mushrooms as the new brains of robots? Cornell’s biohybrid robot project might sound like a sci-fi fever dream, but it’s real—and these fungi-powered machines are ready to make the world a little more…organic.

Sweat It Out: New Finger-Wrap Health Monitor Uses Your Sweat to Spill Your Health Secrets
Forget smartwatches. The latest health gadget wraps around your finger and reads your sweat to give you instant health updates. Finally, a way to put all that nervous hand-sweating to good use!

VR Surgeons and Pilots in Training: Like Flight Sim, But With Way More Pressure
Training for surgery or flying a plane is now just a headset away. Virtual reality is helping pilots and surgeons hone their skills without risking any lives. Gamers, your dream of "becoming" a surgeon just got disturbingly close.


Is AI Making Degrees Useless? The White-Collar Apocalypse
AI is coming for your desk job, and your degree might not save you. This video shows how AI is reshaping the white-collar workforce, leaving highly educated professionals wondering if they studied all those years just to be outdone by an algorithm. The apocalypse isn’t just for factory workers anymore!

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Coming Soon, Q4 Events! Alright, I did not create the list for this week. Sorry! Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

Are there any issues or corrections? Just let us know.
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