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  • AI Taking Over Faster Than Expected? Rent a Brain & Lose Your Job!

AI Taking Over Faster Than Expected? Rent a Brain & Lose Your Job!

Robots Clocking In, Humans Clocking Out—How Tech Is Reshaping Jobs

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

TL: DR - I sort through the best new tech news, so you do not have to!

Class Is In Session, Please Take Your Seats

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Another big week! Ever thought you'd be renting out human brain cells like some sci-fi Airbnb? Well, that's “real” now. And Disney is stepping up its floor game—floors are getting immersive, too. We've also got AI detecting illnesses via tongues (yes, tongues), exoskeleton pants for those who think walking is just too much effort, and some bizarre, uncanny valley conversations coming out of OpenAI's latest voice mode. The metaverse is still hanging on for dear life—Apple and Meta are duking it out. But let's not forget the elephant—or robot—in the room: jobs are being displaced faster than anyone could imagine.

AI and robots are creeping into industries that we once thought were safe from automation. Humanoid robots are gearing up to take over car factory jobs, and schools are already experimenting with AI substitutes for teachers (yes, AI is now grading essays). Even service industry jobs like waiters and farm workers are under siege by AI-driven robots. With the rise of automation in everything from factories to high schools, it’s becoming clear that the future job market is more precarious than we’d like to admit. The robots aren’t coming—they’re already here, clocking in and quietly replacing human workers.


  • But First, AI and Robots Are Taking Over Jobs Faster Than Expected—From humanoid robots in factories to AI replacing teachers, even service and agricultural jobs aren’t safe. It's time to rethink what jobs will survive this tech revolution.

  • News to Read: Rent a brain with Swiss tech, Disney's Holotile transforms your floor into VR, Apple and Meta battle over AR/VR, AI scans tongues for illness, MIT's open-source brain AI, exoskeleton pants for easy hiking, OpenAI's creepy voice mode, and ArborXR raising $12M to manage the future of AR/VR.

  • Videos to Watch: Can AR become mainstream or is it destined to flop? AI’s massive leap toward AGI with Grok 2, SearchGPT, and more.

  • Jobs: Looking, Hiring? We’re building a new job board just for the industry.

BUT FIRST - Are Jobs Being Displaced Faster Than Expected?

Remember when we all thought AI would stay in its lane—automating tedious spreadsheets and maybe making online shopping easier? Well, the joke’s on us because it seems like AI and robots are taking over faster than we ever imagined. It’s not just a distant future where AGI rules the world with benevolent wisdom; right now, robots are prepping to oust workers in sectors we never thought possible. Whether it's humanoid robots in car factories or AI teaching high school classes, the future of jobs looks more precarious than we’d like to admit.

Take the auto industry, for example. Humanoid robots are about to shake things up by stepping onto the assembly lines. These machines aren't just novelty gimmicks—they’re smart, efficient, and tireless, set to replace more humans than we’re comfortable acknowledging. But it’s not just the heavy lifting jobs; even the classroom isn’t safe. Some high schools have already started using AI to replace teachers. While the thought of a robot grading essays feels surreal, it's happening. And if you thought you'd be safe in hospitality or agriculture, think again—robot waiters and fruit-picking machines are coming for those gigs too. AI has evolved from the abstract to the tangible, reshaping the job market at warp speed.

So, what does this mean for us mere mortals? Essentially, it’s time to rethink what “safe” jobs are. As AI creeps into traditionally human roles, the question isn’t just about AGI or if it’ll arrive by 2045—it’s about what jobs will survive the next five years. We need to get serious about preparing for a future where a career path may have an expiration date—unless, of course, you’re planning to work in a job that even AI can’t yet fathom.

Read More on How Your Job Might Be At Stake!


Rent a Brain?! Swiss Tech Firm Launches AI-Made Human Brain Cells Rental Service

Imagine leasing brain cells like you'd rent a car—because that’s exactly what a Swiss tech company offers. They’re letting businesses "borrow" AI-grown human brain cells for research. Seriously, we’re living in the future, folks. But, uh, is this ethical? TBD.

Metaverse Wars: Apple and Meta Duel Over Who Can Make AR/VR Not Flop

Apple and Meta are in an all-out tech brawl, pouring billions into AR/VR. Spoiler alert: they don’t want this to be the next 3D TV catastrophe. But will they finally deliver something worth the hype, or are we watching another overhyped bubble burst in real-time?

Disney’s Holotile Floor Demo Is Giving Us Total Sci-Fi Vibes

Disney dropped jaws at D23 by unveiling its Holotile floor tech. Think “The Floor Is Lava” but for real, transforming ordinary surfaces into immersive VR environments. Imagine never needing to leave your living room to step into an entirely new world.

AI Detects Illness by Scanning Your Tongue—Yes, Really

AI now checks your tongue for signs of illness, like a futuristic version of sticking your tongue out at the doctor. Your dentist may have competition, but at least this robot won’t ask you any awkward questions while your mouth’s full.

MIT Uses Open-Source AI to Untangle the Brain—Finally

MIT researchers are cracking the code of the human brain, and they’re doing it in an open-source style. Using AI, they're unraveling its mysteries in ways that could unlock new levels of understanding—and maybe even upgrade our brains like a software patch.

Exoskeleton Pants: The Future of Outdoor Activities?

Want a boost while hiking? These exoskeleton-powered pants could be your new best friend. They’re designed to make outdoor adventures easier, so if your legs are tired just thinking about that next camping trip, help may be on the way.

Creepy or Cool? OpenAI’s New Voice Mode Is Both

OpenAI's latest voice mode blurs the line between humans and machines. It's so realistic that you might forget you're not talking to a person…until it creeps you out in the uncanny valley.

ArborXR Secures $12M to Rule the AR/VR Device World

ArborXR just snagged $12 million to make sure the AR/VR gadgets of the future don’t explode or fail miserably. Their platform helps businesses manage these devices so your virtual worlds stay up and running without a hitch.


Can AR Become Mainstream, or Is It Destined to Fail?

This video from Alive Studios dives deep into the biggest tech question: Will AR become the next must-have, or are we all about to witness another tech fail (again)? This one's worth a watch, from the potential future of AR headsets to the challenges holding them back.

My take? It’s just a matter of time, BUT, like AI, mainstream users will not call it AR; it will just be a feature of something they already use. Let me know what you think on Twitter (alright, X).

AI's Big Leap Toward AGI: Grok 2, SearchGPT, and What’s Next in Intelligence

Prepare for a whirlwind tour of AI's most significant advancements from master AI youtuber Matthew Berman. From a coding model that could change how we program to Grok 2 and the search-engine-on-steroids SearchGPT, the world of AI is speeding toward AGI faster than we thought possible.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Coming Soon, Q4 Events! Alright, I did not create the list for this week. Sorry! Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

Are there any issues or corrections? Just let us know.
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