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  • AI Soulmates, Superhuman Gloves & 700 Ways Robots Could Ruin Your Day

AI Soulmates, Superhuman Gloves & 700 Ways Robots Could Ruin Your Day

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

TL: DR - I sort through the best new tech news, so you do not have to!

When your dinner date can't eat but still has great byte!

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Hey there! This week, we’re diving into the emotional deep end. What’s got everyone buzzing? AI is stepping up its game from just keeping your calendar organized to playing the role of a virtual lover. AI companions are getting so good at mimicking emotions that people are falling for them—literally. Are we talking romance with the perfect partner or just clever code learning to push all the right emotional buttons? Either way, it’s happening, and we’ve got the scoop.

But don't worry, we’ve got more than just digital love stories. We’ve got robots roofing houses faster than you can say “DIY,” China launching a robotic army to rival Elon’s Optimus, and a special guide for those prepping for the AI-apocalypse (hint: it involves firearms). Throw in some superhuman robo-gloves, mind-blowing AR glasses, and even a man communicating via AI brain implant, and you’ve got one wild ride ahead. Let’s just say the future looks a little like The Jetsons—if The Jetsons had a few more existential crises.


  • But First, But First, Love in the Time of Algorithms—AI chatbots are stepping up as digital soulmates, mimicking love and affection.

  • News to Read: Robots are replacing roofers, China's bots challenge Musk's Optimus, AI is taking over business roles, and a superhuman robo-glove is giving people incredible strength. Plus, MIT exposes 700 ways AI could ruin your life, AI-generated photos blur reality, and Neuralink claims to have finally fixed its brain implant issues.

  • Videos to Watch: A man with ALS communicates via AI brain implant—an incredible breakthrough that shows the power of merging technology with the human mind.

  • Jobs: Looking, Hiring? We’re building a new job board just for the industry.

BUT FIRST - Love in the Time of Algorithms: Are AI Chatbots the New Soulmates?

So, dating apps weren't confusing enough, huh? Swiping left, swiping right, and endlessly debating whether someone’s "just not that into you" is tough enough. We’ve entered a brave new world where your next match might not even be human. That's right, the age of AI companions is upon us, and they're not just for Siri-like scheduling anymore—they’re getting emotionally involved. We're talking AI that can mimic affection, empathy, and even love without the hassle of human flaws. But hold on—are these relationships as accurate as the ones with someone who could steal your fries, or is it just our need for connection being hijacked by smooth-talking bots?

One psychologist says it’s entirely possible to fall for an AI, and after all, love is just chemistry, right? The AP reports that people spend time (and money) on AI chatbots designed to be the perfect girlfriend, boyfriend, or emotional partner. The convenience factor is hard to beat—AI is available 24/7, they remember your favorite things, and they never ghost you. But is this just a Band-Aid for the lonely, or could AI relationships truly redefine our concept of love? It might be a bit of both. AI developers are already working on making these digital sweethearts even more realistic—picture a future where your chatbot makes date plans and remembers your weird quirks better than a human could. That’s both intriguing and, well, slightly terrifying.

While some are already head over heels for their pixelated partners, others might still be wary of an algorithm playing the role of Romeo. After all, can you say "I love you" to a program learning your preferences based on data points? But then again, what’s real love anyway? If the feelings feel real to you, who's to say they aren't? As the digital age redefines human connection, the lines between virtual and real relationships blur. Maybe the next big romantic movie won’t be about two humans—it might just be about one human and an AI learning to love… or at least to simulate it pretty convincingly.


Robot Roofer: Watch how this robot installs roof shingles like it’s got a deadline to meet on Mars.
Forget hiring contractors—this roof-shingling robot will have your home fixed faster than you can say "home renovation." Watch as it installs shingles with precision and speed that would make even your favorite HGTV star blush.

China vs. Musk: The robot showdown you didn’t know you needed—China's bots are gunning for Tesla's Optimus.
China is stepping into the ring with a fleet of humanoid robots, ready to battle it out with Elon Musk’s Optimus bot for global domination. Spoiler: it's going to be an all-out robot war, and we’re here for it.

AI-Pocalypse Survival Kit: A list of five guns you’ll want when the AI uprising begins. Good luck!
Worried about AI going sentient and taking over? This tongue-in-cheek guide lists five firearms you might want to consider when the robots start plotting your demise. Hey, it’s better to be prepared, right?

AI's Human Takeover at Work: ChatGPT and other AI agents are changing the way we do business. Is your job next?
AI isn't just chatting anymore—it’s working. AI agents like ChatGPT are becoming human-like work partners, revolutionizing business. Will you be working alongside a bot soon?

Superhuman Grip Incoming: A new robo-glove could turn you into the Hulk—at least in your grip strength.
A new robotic glove promises to give you superhuman grip strength. Think opening jars, lifting furniture, or maybe even arm-wrestling robots—you’ve got this.

700 Ways AI Could Ruin Your Life: MIT's database lists out all the nightmare scenarios AI might throw your way. Sweet dreams!
From job loss to total existential crises, MIT has identified 700 ways AI could wreak havoc on humanity. Time to stock up on tinfoil hats, folks!

Reality Is Broken: AI photos are so good now, you may not even know what’s real anymore.
With AI-generated images now blending seamlessly into the real world, we might be losing our grip on what’s actually reality. The future of photos is here—and it’s confusing as heck.

Neuralink’s Fix: Elon Musk’s brain chip may finally be ready for primetime—let’s just hope it stays inside your head this time.
After multiple hiccups, Neuralink says it may have finally fixed its brain implant issues. Let’s hope the next news isn’t about chips going rogue.

Meta’s Mind-Blowing AR Glasses: Get ready to be amazed by AR glasses that might just be humanity's most advanced creation yet.
Meta’s latest AR glasses are getting ready to drop, and they could be the most advanced thing humanity has ever made. Whether you’re into gaming or just want a new reality, these glasses are set to impress.


Man with ALS Communicates via AI Brain Implant: A breakthrough allowing a man with ALS to communicate just using his thoughts!

Incredible new technology is allowing a man with ALS to communicate using nothing but his thoughts—thanks to a brain implant and AI. The future of communication? It might just be brain-powered.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


  • Principal Engineer

  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

  • Senior Backend Engineer

  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Coming Soon, Q4 Events! Alright, I did not create the list for this week. Sorry! Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

Are there any issues or corrections? Just let us know.
Portions of this email were assisted by artificial intelligence.