• Augmented Horizon
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  • AGI on the Horizon, Apple’s Life-Saving Tech—Are You Ready for the Future?

AGI on the Horizon, Apple’s Life-Saving Tech—Are You Ready for the Future?

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a robot!

The Augmented Horizon

More is happening in technology beyond just generative AI! Advancements in Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Quantum Computing, and HCI are redefining our reality. We keep you one step ahead of everyone else.

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AI Orange Is the New Black?

Hola! This week, we’re diving into the world of Augmented Reality—finally ready to step into the spotlight and take over our lives. And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, AGI might be closer than we think, threatening to outthink us all. Plus, AI is crushing humans in table tennis; Elon Musk wants to supercharge our brains, and scientists have figured out remote mind control. If that’s not enough, the Apple Watch could save your life while a robot gives you the best massage ever. The future is here, and it’s wild!


  • AR’s Big Moment: Is Augmented Reality Finally Ready to Steal the Spotlight?

  • AGI Is Almost Here—Or Is It? The race for Artificial General Intelligence heats up.

  • In the News: AI Ping-Pong, Brain Chips, Remote Mind Control, and Robots with Feelings: The future of tech is here, and it's wilder than ever.

  • Apple Watch’s Heart-Saving Tech and Robot Massages: Wearable tech gets serious, and spas go robotic.

  • Just When You Thought Gen Video Could Not Get Any Better! The New Flux.1, more convincing than the real world.

Forget 2045, AGI May Be Here in Just a Few Years—Are We Ready?

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has long been the holy grail of artificial intelligence, and it seems like every year, the timeline to reach it gets shorter and shorter. Back in 2005, futurists like Ray Kurzweil threw out dates like 2045 as the moment we’d all be bowing down to our robot overlords. Fast forward to today, and with the rapid advancements in AI, from GPT-3 to the latest supercomputing networks, some experts are now whispering about AGI being just a few years away. The developments from companies like OpenAI, who are working on mysterious projects under code names like "Strawberry," are only adding fuel to the fire. Are we truly on the brink of machines that can outthink us in every way? And if we are, what does that mean for the future of humanity?

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The road to AGI is filled with more than just shiny new algorithms and powerful processors. It’s a complex journey that involves not just raw computing power but also solving fundamental questions about consciousness, reasoning, and what it means to be "intelligent." While some are racing to build the first true AGI, others are waving red flags, pointing out that we still don't even have a consensus on what AGI really is, let alone how to achieve it. As we continue to integrate AI into every aspect of our lives—from augmented reality to neural implants—we have to wonder: Are we really ready for what’s coming, or are we setting ourselves up for a high-tech apocalypse where the machines don't just do our jobs, but take over our world?

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AR’s Big Moment: Is Augmented Reality Finally Ready to Steal the Spotlight?

Augmented Reality (AR) has been lurking in the shadows for a while now, like that shy kid at a school dance, waiting for the perfect moment to shine. Despite being around for years, AR has largely been overshadowed by its flashy cousin, AI. But with recent moves by tech giants like Meta, Samsung, and Microsoft, and the rapid development of smart glasses that are becoming more James Bond and less Harry Potter, the time might finally be ripe for AR to have its moment in the sun.

From the big players investing in metaverse hardware to the latest, sleekest smart glasses hitting the market, it’s looking like AR is ready to step out from behind the curtain. With companies like Microsoft partnering with Samsung for some next-gen mixed reality displays and reviews coming in hot for AR glasses that look cool enough to wear in public, we could be on the brink of an AR explosion. Maybe it's not just Pokémon GO this time; perhaps we'll all be sporting smart specs and navigating the world with holograms sooner than we think.

But hold on—are we truly ready to embrace this? While the tech is improving rapidly, the question remains: will AR finally capture the public's imagination, or will it just be another cool gadget we play with for a few weeks before moving on to the next big thing? One thing’s for sure: the battle for AR supremacy is heating up, and it will be an exciting ride to watch.

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AI Ping-Pong Champ: Google DeepMind is now beating humans at table tennis. What's next? The Olympics?
Google's DeepMind AI is now so advanced it can outplay human professionals at table tennis, showing off its impressive reflexes and strategy. Could this mean AI athletes are in our future?

Apple Watch's Heart-Saving Secret: A new wearable might just be the superhero of heart monitoring.
The Apple Watch might be your next lifesaver, as new heart-monitoring technology is set to make early detection of heart problems easier than ever. Wearable tech is about to get seriously health-focused.

Elon Musk’s Brain Chips: Forget pro gamers; Musk wants to give your brain "superpowers."
Elon Musk claims his brain chips will make you outperform the best gamers out there. And yes, he said this while casually smoking—because nothing says "superpowers" like a brain chip with a side of smoke.

Scientists Achieve Mind Control... Remotely: The future is here, and it's a bit spooky.
Mind control is no longer a sci-fi fantasy. Scientists have developed technology that allows remote control of minds. Prepare for the age of thought manipulation—whether you're ready or not.

China's Robots: These humanoid bots have facial expressions that could out-act your favorite actor.
China is pushing the boundaries with robots that can mimic human facial expressions so well you might start wondering if they're more human than we are.

Robotic Spa Day: Meet the massage bot that's about to make human masseuses obsolete.
Would you trust a robot to give you a massage? Well, Aescape is betting you will, as they introduce massage bots that promise a better spa experience than any human could provide.


AI vs. Reality: When artificial intelligence is more convincing than the real world. The New Flux.1 Gen Image & Video
This video dives into the eerie reality where AI is becoming so advanced that it’s starting to outdo reality itself. If that doesn't make you pause, nothing will.

Interesting Jobs in Tech

Coming soon! I am working with companies and recruiters in the space to add jobs. Do you have any? Please send me the details, and I will include them soon!

I’ve already started to get some submissions and leads for roles, although not all are in the extended tech space. If you want to reach out, please do so at the link above (I'm still setting up the process).


  • Chief Product Officer


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  • 2 different “Founding Engineer” roles

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  • Senior Fullstack Engineer

Key Events In XR

Check out the running list of industry events and conferences for 2024.

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